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There is a lot to see on this
site. However, there's a lot you won't see, as well: animated gifs; unnecessary drop-down boxes; buggy HTML; "You need (fill in whatever here) to view this site" (I'm not arrogant enough to dictate to you what operating system, browser, plug-ins, etc. best suit your needs); flash in lieu of substance; a complex way of doing something, when there is a simple way that works better and faster; music playing when it may not be appropriate; frames; complex nested tables which slow down rendering; and more like this. Oh, sure, I could list stuff in drop-down boxes--I know how to do it--but what's the point, when a link in an unordered list works both in fancy browsers and plain-Jane browsers? In a few places on this site you may, in the future, see items like drop-down boxes, radio buttons, and the like, but only when I am convinced that it is the best
(or perhaps, the only) solution to display the content.
This site was originally coded on my trusty 486 laptop in MS-DOS Edit, and has been coded only by hand except for the very few Javascript snippets I have put in (mostly newsfeeds for your entertainment and convenience). Except for the news page, I encourage you to run your browser with Javascript turned off on my site. There's no ActiveX, no Java, except where absolutely necessary.
All pages on this site (except one) have passed the validator. The one page
that does not validate is because of a workaround for image placement. This validation applies only to my code, not to this server's banner ad code.
This site has been for accessibility. If you are disabled and have trouble with this site, please email me with a description of the problem. (If you are red-green colourblind (Daltonism) I would especially like to hear from you.) According to a U.S. Department of Justice ruling in September, 1996, some websites are covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and are required by law to be accessible.
Copyright statement: This site contains only my original work, and photos of me taken by others (photo credit is given). Of course, the exceptions to that are the award graphics, Bobby/W3C/Any Browser graphics and the like, which are used by permission.
A word of warning: the writing samples on this site deal with mature subjects. There's (as of this date) nothing explicit here, but there is some rather unabashed speculation about topics that certain people may find offensive. I have tried to label these very clearly so that none of my readers will be taken off guard: however, in particular, "Border Crossing" may be triggering to those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or a history of physical abuse; "The Morning After" is about a "one-night stand"; and even though the titles clearly reflect the material discussed, the essays on feminism contain extended discussions about menstruation and sexuality. For those of you inquiring into unpublished works, "La Chevelure" is explicitly erotic, and "Children At Play" concerns pagan rites built on the Catholic Mass. Please do not read or request these works if you feel you might be offended!
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